Saturday, March 2, 2013

Life of Pi- The Exam

On Thursday, we finally wrote our final exam for the unit "Canadian novel studies". The worst possible thing happened when writing a test. Running out of time. It makes me feel so stressed out even just thinking about it. I have never written four compositions in an hour and twenty minutes before, so I didn't know how much time I would take up for each of them. Stupidly enough, I put all my effort and time for the first two compositions that I only had about 5 minutes left when it was time to write the last two. I was totally in a panic mode. I honestly don't even remember what I wrote, but I am quite upset that I didn't get to write everything I wanted to, and probably do as well as I would have if I had more time to think before just jotting down everything on my mind. It kind of really sucks.
The last two questions were "What did I learn through this project" and "How did it go". I learned a lot through this project, especially phantom skills such as learning to tweet, editing videos, interviewing people, and managing time. I have never understood twitter, the point of it and how to do it. Later on, I went on it at least every two days to tweet about the book, and our group's progress. It was cool to see someone retweet my tweet and following our twitter- even some people we don't know. Editing videos was actually easier than I thought it would be. Once I was done interviewing about 6 people, Tano and I were quite worried about the editing part. After struggling with it for about 30 minutes, we eventually started figuring everything out, and being amused at all the effects. Tano was able to finish up editing it with her "imovie" program and make it look amazing at the end. Time management was crucial for this project since it was many little parts of the project kind of being bombarded at you every week, plus reading the book. What I learned through this project, I will definitely be able to apply in different situation later on, and will be very useful and valuable. 
Our project was overall successful, though I wish I had been able to find and contact a legitimate organization for anti bullying. We still used our creativity and "phantom skills" to have other people involved in our project- which is important for raising awareness, and create a video. U Hill doesn't seem to have big problems with bullying, but we never know what every each one of 700 people are going through. That's why awareness is the key. You can be fooled by the generalized fact that at U Hill, everyone tends to get along, but to one person, or to 50 people, it may not be true. We just need to look out and always be eager to help people. 


Check out our Anti Bullying Day video that we made!


  1. why the sad face? Sometimes it's not about the mark. Sometimes it's all about the learning. I think that 5 years from now you won't remember what mark you got in the test but you will probably be using those skills you learned while doing the project...and the fun (I hope) of working with your group! I am very glad to see this post and hope you mean it...because if you really do, then you have really learned a lot and no one can take that away from you. Good work on the youtube video! Did you check WHO retweeted your youtube video? VIP check it out! :)

    1. True.. but it would've been better if i could write down what i learned and get better marks as well ;) i do mean it, which is a bit surprising because I think i learned more phantom skills than anything from the project itself rather than the book.
