Saturday, February 16, 2013

Life of Pi - A little ranting won't harm

   Let me just warn you beforehand, that this is going to be the most pointless blog post that I have ever written. This is basically going to be a short rant about the book that I'm reading, "Life of Pi" from MY personal point of view. Do not assume that I'm speaking for anybody else, because I'm really not. 

   First of all, this is the post I was supposed to write this Tuesday, February 12th. 
Well, since I had 5 projects all due in that same week (I never seem to be able to get over that), I haven't been able to make much progress of reading further on. Yes, I know, that is my fault. Some may say that I need to manage my time better, some may say "there's never not enough time to read a book", and I agree. Don't get me wrong, I can be a huge book worm too. Once I get really into a book, I will not eat, go to the washroom, or even get out of my bed until I finish it. I have done it many times when I got myself some good books. But Life of Pi..? This book is getting a tad difficult to get myself absorbed into. Even if I have time to read it, I can't find myself looking for the book to read it because I truly want to, but because I have to, in order to keep up with all the overwhelming media parts of the project that I have to contribute to. I still don't fully understand what's going on in the book. I am the editor of this week, and I have no idea what to write about, because I haven't been able to find enough interest to continue on with the book. Now with the root of our group, Sabrina, gone, I'm not sure if I can keep up with this journey as well I should. 


  1. you know, honestly, I had a tough go of it with this novel in the beginning. I found it too slow moving. However, by mid-point I was fully engaged. I realize it's a thick novel, but I think you should persevere. You will be rewarded. You don't need Sabrina to buoy you. You're as capable of being the root source of motivation too :) I've seen it.

  2. I agree, this book is really boring, but listening to Ms Kwan's opinion I'm excited to see what will happen. Keep your head up Eunsol :)
