Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Life of Pi" -what am I getting myself into..

     For my English project on studying Canadian novels , I chose to read the book "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. This book has recently come out as a movie and has gotten several good reviews. 
That is the main reason why I chose this book. When books are made into movies, that's  usually an indication that the books are bound to have interesting plot lines. 
I have only read the first few pages of the book, so I honestly have no idea what to respect. However, I hope to learn Martel's point of view of life, and what message he has to deliver through this famous book. I am also interested to find out what kind of role the tiger from the front cover plays in this book as well - it's  intriguing to see a wild animal like the tiger and a man standing on a boat together, not being slaughtered.
Based on only the first few pages I was able to read, for now, I want to set my inquiry question on religion. Pi has his majors in zoology as well as religious studies from University of Toronto. Pi is a religious man. I don't really know how religion will take part in life of Pi, or if it will at all, but there must have been some incident, while growing up, that led him to choose to major in religious studies. So I'd like to think that it's relevant to a certain degree. 
Why is religion such a loved and despised subject? Why does it spark up such big debates, arguments, conflicts and even wars? What is religion in our society and to us human beings? 
How did it affect "Life of Pi" ? 


  1. I like this book in that it made me think about humanity's need to have something to believe in. You will develop your inquiry as you read and talk with your group. Religion, war and the perception of "truth" is something that you will probably discuss in depth and may lead you to a common Inquiry question that your group will deal with. Happy reading!

  2. I want to watch the movie too! I've heard from many people that the movie was pretty good!
